LimeWire Pro?
I got a new computer so I bought LimeWire Pro. But when I open it up, It says Starting Tie at the bottom, but It never connects. And when I open it up, It makes me loose tie..I checked my firewall and Its not blocking it, not sure If I did it right though. [ Not A Computer Expert ] I emailed LimeWire about the conundrum, and Its past about a month now and they still didnt answer. I also downloaded the regular verson on LimeWire and the same thing is happening.
What can I do to fix this conundrum?
I have McAfee, how would I unblock LimeWire from it
I also have WoW! Internet [ Cable Modem ]
I checked all the Internet things on LimeWire, Thats not the conundrum. I reckon it’s McAfee, How would I stop it from blocking the tie for LimeWire
Answer by pstiffyinc
Mcafee and Norton both will block the Limewire tie, not matter how who set it u…you will have to shut it down to use limewire
Answer by Austin Q
It might be your internet tie.Call your internet provider
Answer by Jesus
download “” and house it in your limewire folder in all programs. wait…. lol
Answer by Brodey
Well I Was Thinking They Ripped You Off In anticipation of I Read That Its Happening On The Regular Version Too. Well, I Would Try Disconnecting Then Reconnecting The Tie In The File Menu, And If This Doesn’t Work I Just Reckon They Aren’t Replying To Your E-Mail Because They Are Total Rip-Offs. If Your Going To Buy Music Buy It From A LEGAL And Trusted Source Like The iTunes Store. Hope I Helped, Brodey.
Answer by mrtazzone
I use norton and lime wire together no problems. its probaly in your limewire setup. your settings are probaly incorrect.
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is limewire pro safe or does it give you virus’s???
espically fro people who have limewire pro
Answer by Glenn
No P2P program is 100%, pro just gives you “quicker” downloads, etc. Not security.
Answer by crazziegrl14
i had limewire pro and didnt get any virus but i could not find anything on there. I went back to basic and got a lot more relations and a lot more stuff i could not find or pro.
when a file is messed up or has a viruis something pops up saying the song is croupt and to cancle download.
i like limewire!
Answer by bazandbadger h
Ive been by the free kazaa for being bug free will find anything your looking for.yes i did pay 4 lime wire.and kazaa {the 1 u pay for i have used them all.nothing beats what i have if u wish i can gIve u a link.if u tell me how to do it.delight trust me.6 tears ive been by this.does all music.but i like downloading tony Hancock.steptoe and son dads army/lime wire gives u bugs trust me
Answer by morphfitness
It can be safe if used correctly, scan each file that you download before opening it. You can do this by right clicking on the file then pick scan with (whatever anti virus you have installed).
Bed in a free program called peerguardian, this is a small firewall especially designed for p2p sharing.
I personally dont use lime wire or bearshare etc, as there is a risk of viruses.
I use Azureus (free) file sharing program
Then go to, this is torrent site and the advantage you have with these is that users leave comments and will tell you if there is a conundrum with the files etc.
Quick guide for use.
Go to
Find file you wish.
Download torrent to a folder.
Load up Azureus.
Click on open and find torrent file you have downloaded.
Torrent will start downloading.
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