how can I record a video rental from amazon?
I got a $ 5 credit from Amazon excellent towards any movie rental or buy. Is there a way I can record a movie I rent from Amazon, so that I have it permanently? Any of the movies I want to watch cost more than $ 5 to buy, but less than $ 5 to rent for 24 hours
Answer by Neverdown Lina
I recommend you Camersoft Screen Recorder which can record both video and audio on the computer screen, I got it from
you can have a free try!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
star city
Image by Mathieu Struck
Curitiba, Brasil (+ Zoo of Galaxies, by Hubble Space Telescope).
The intention of this collage was to produce an image similar to the ancient Georges Meliès and Baron Munchausen movies, in a hand-colored style.
i have a windows xp btw
Answer by Mrs. Maximus
No but you can buy the download and it will stay there.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Look Out iTunes, Vudu Is Coming On Strong
Which company would you wager rented more ondemand movies in the last quarter of 2010: Amazon or Wal-Mart? If you guessed Amazon, you’re only half-right. The two companies are tied for third in the promote behind Apple and Microsoft. Wal-Mart did 750,000 movie transactions, according to researcher IHS Screen Digest, putting it on par with Amazon’s rental service.
Read more on Forbes
The Fighter
Price: $ 3.99
“Shamans of the Amazon, is far and away the best film yet made on Ayahuasca and Amazonian Shamanism.” Ralph Metzner PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies. The Feature Length version of Shamans of the Amazon is NOW available to rent with Youtube’s Movie Rental Service. Go to and click on the FEATURE LENGTH MOVIE RENTALS (playlist). NOW ON DVD Full Version 260 mins. on 3-DVDs. Cat. #U670. Go to “Shamans of the Amazon by Dean Jefferys is one of the best documentaries available on the use of ayahuasca in contemporary context, in traditional cultures that are being destabilized by the forces of globalization. As Jefferys’ documentary makes clear, the revival of traditional shamanic practices with ayahuasca is proving to be a heady biased and propaganda tool for reaffirming and preserving cultural values and identity in indigenous societies that are buffeted by environmental, economic, and societal forces beyond their control.” – Dennis McKenna PhD, co-author The Invisible Landscape
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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