Are there any free Ipod nano games on Itunes?
I can find tons of free games for my Ipod touch, but I can’t find any for my nano! It’s a 4th generation if that matters at all. Please Help! If you know of any tell me what they are and how to get to them please. I don’t want to go through any sites additional than Itunes so please don’t tell me any… Thanks for your help.
Answer by =) (=
I’ve been looking for that too! I don’t know if theres any games you can place on your ipod nano, only for touches
Answer by Sara M
go to the store and browse
also if your interested in free songs go to
Answer by candiipanzz
i don’t reckon you can place games into your ipod nano. The ipod nano already comes with games, though.
Answer by Loz M
i have the nano too and nope there isnt any free games or apps for it, theres only free games for the ipod touch
Answer by
I’m worried that there aren’t any free games for the iPods on iTunes additional the the apps available for the touch.
From your question, it sounds as though you already have a touch, so I’d say take benefit of the fantastic free apps for that and use your nano solely for music.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Games Category: Top Free Games
Image by Wesley Fryer
I was on recently and I downloaded a free game from the website. How can I view this game on my iPod?
Answer by lwomar
You have to sync your ipod with your computer. If you used your ipod to download it (assuming you have an ipod touch), it should have shown up after you downloaded it.
Answer by Bekah
I have the same conundrum and I have no thought
Answer by Squeeky Birdy
You need a USB cable. They sell these at your community electronics store like Radioshack and/or Best Buy. Hook this up to your I-Pod and your computor. I tunes will register you have connected a divice. Select sync and select the game. It should place a copy of the game on your I Pod. Now to acess the game on your I-Pod, Go to the main menu screen. Select Applications and then select games. Your free game should appear on the list. Hope this helped!! Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any further questions.
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B&C Morning Show: Mets' Jason Bay Takes A Rest, Craig Blows A Gasket
After a gorgeous holiday weekend, Boomer & Craig were back in the saddle again this morning and they got things started by talking about the Mets, who after dropping 2 of 3 to the Phillies, belted out 15 hits in a 7-3 win over the Pirates on Monday.
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***To tell the 5 th gen from the 5.5, go to music on your ipod and scroll down to the bottom. if search isthre it is a 5.5, if no itsa 5t gen—- Search online to find out further. OK here is the link to download the .bin files 5th gen= 5.5 Gen= Ipod Wizard(program)= DOWNLOAD FOR 20 GAMES=
Record Rating: 4 / 5
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