Would you buy the used movies off of amazon?
i have never bought any movie off of amazon do you think its okay to buy used ones?
Answer by Stacy J
i bought 2 box-sets of prison break from there, i actuary found it easier than ebay, and it was delivered so quick, and the dvds worked fine and were in mint condition. So yeah, it is a great place to buy dvds.
Answer by mamacusa
Try Movie stop… great low prices, used, but guaranteed clean.
Answer by ktrb
I do it fairly often. There’s only been one time when a set arrived and a disc wouldn’t play, but I sent it back and the seller refunded my money.
Answer by Scout729
I have gotten dvds from amazon and no problems. The only thing I make sure is that the seller has a high rating. I won’t buy from anyone who has a rating lower than 95%
Answer by pizzahpie
absolutely…i’ve bought the majority of my movies “used” from amazon, keep in mind that though it is used, most of these dvds might have only been viewed once. if you want to be cautious then buy it from a user with high ratings. i have never had any complications. definitely easier and faster than ebay. if you have netflix, you can buy it for cheap on there also.
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Image by Randy Stewart
adventure, action, thrilling movies with good stories filmed in the amazon jungle and amazon river.
Eg. Air craft crash, camping stories, getting lost in the jungle and the dangerous moments you have to face in the amazon jungle with dangerous animals etc.
Answer by Kool
The Emerald Forest (1985)
Answer by EMM
You should check out this great new site www.tastekid.com where you can enter the title of a movie that you like and it will make recommendations for other movies you might like based on your preferences. It’s really amazing, I hope you find what you are looking for!
Answer by Panama Joe
Medicine Man (1992) Sean Connery and Lorraine Bracco play scientists who are in the Amazon to do research. It’s a wonderful story about nature, man, and modern science.
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I’m rebooting my channel so I’m uploading movies I’ve already uploaded but in full, without interruption. THOR & THE AMAZON WOMEN (1963) starring Joe Robinson, Harry Baird and Susy Andersen. Though the focus of this film is more on Susy Andersen and her struggles with Amazons, the beefcake quota is fairly high as Joe Robinson and his faithful companion played by Harry Baird walk around mostly half naked throughout the movie. With its focus on female characters, THOR was really conceived with a female audience in mind. The film was apparently conceived as a Tarzan film before they were sued by the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ foundation for copyright violations so they changed the settings. It’s hard to believe this was supposed to be a Tarzan film because nothing looks like Africa or there are no jungle vines to swing from. Oh well. Not a classic by any means with some bad editing and uninspired acting, the film is entertaining in a oh so cheesy way. Enjoy ————- Make sure to check out my blog on all things PEPLUM. peplums.blogspot.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER twitter.com PEPLUM WEBSITE: www.peplum.ca .
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