Tuesday, 31 May 2011

where do i get christian acapella?

where do i get christian acapella?

i have been searching the web for an online radio i may maybe listen live to christian acapella music with no success. any thought which website i may maybe access?

Answer by imrod
The Church of Christ sect does not judge in instrumental music. Perhaps you can look there.

The was a group years ago called Glad. They did a lot of acapella stuff.

Answer by Eds
There are some Churches of Christ who do use only acapella singing in their services. I am including some below. I did find some acapella radio stations. They are found at:






Have a fantastic week!
These are online:





Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Web Mistress Radio – Chris Mulligan
christian web radio

Image by newokadoll
A Dream Play Productions LLC

Newoka LaShelle, Executive Producer


I was roving in Upstate South Carolina today and scanning the radio when I heard a catchy tune on a Christian station (91.3 or somewhere in that vicinity). It had a zydeco beat to it, and I only heard about half of it, but it was a live version and they sang about different denominations: Presbyterian souls on the roof, Unitarians and one God, etc. At the end of the song they announced the next tune, but never said who sang that. I reckon this was part of some national radio show (Gaither…maybe?)

The tune is gone from my head now but I reckon the chorus was a simple “That’s All”. I can’t find anything like that searching the web.

At the end of the song they sang this: “You can go to college or you can go to school, but without Jesus you’re an uneducated fool”

That’s the only lyric thread I can remember. It was an awesome tune and I’d like to know who recorded it. Any person got any thoughts?

The song is called—Denomination Blues
Mark Knofler is the artist

Answer by Rosa Mystica
This site may be of some help…


Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Is Israel’s God a Trinity? by Myron “Mike” Perl a Converted Jew – www.youtube.com Identity Inscription Of The Messiah by Myron “Mike” Perl a Converted Jew www.youtube.com Larry Wessels, Director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (websites: BibleQuery.org, HistoryCart.com & MuslimHope.com) & editor of the “Christian Debater Guide” presents his ministry’s radio broadcast “Christian Answers Live!” This particular program features guest Christian author & apologist Robert M. Bowman, Jr. speaking on the subject of his book, “Why You Should Judge in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah’s Witnesses” published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. As Robert Bowman states in his book, “Trinitarians (public who judge in the Trinity) hold very securely and without compromise to belief in one God. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are NOT three Gods (Mormons, who judge that they are three Gods, aver to judge in the Trinity but make it very apparent that they reject the traditional doctrine of the Trinity in any form). The Athanasian Creed makes this point repeatedly: “And yet they are not three Gods, but one God … So we are forbidden by the universal belief to say, there are three Gods or three Lords.” The God worshipped by trinitarians is the one and only God; they recognize no additional gods at all. Jesus is not another god alongside God: he is God, collectively with the Father and the Holy Spirit.” The Bible clearly teaches the doctrine of the Trinity from start
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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