Is there a radio station broadcasting live online that plays classical music with no symphonies?
I like to listen and learn more about all forms of classical music but I cannot stand symphonies. Does anyone know of any radio station that broadcasts live and online in English and does not play symphonies and that informs me about the pieces it’s before a live audience? I have an internet wireless tuner and I can get radio stations from anywhere in the world.
I’d like to get any information I can about this.
Thank you so much
Answer by mamianka
This is like asking for a station that plays all operas – but just the parts with no singing in them. You have an OFF button, or a volume control – or you can exchange stations when offended by too much of a excellent business.
Answer by Malcolm D
I’m curious… you like classical music, yet not symphonies – might I question why? Are you ok with concertos? Is it the orchestra you have an objection to? Please elaborate… I’d like to know.
Symphonies are the ultimate expression of classical music, so such a statement is bound to be met with curiousity.
Answer by greydoc6
Try WGUC, 90.9 in Cincinnati. They have streaming something or additional, too. They play an assorted mix of serious music and sometimes a symphony.
Answer by Trevor
If you don’t like symphonies, what kind of classical music do you like? Symphonies are a huge part of classical repertoire.
Answer by i. jones
I’ll reckon about an answer while I go off to lunch at a restaurant that doesn’t serve food.
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Y2D355: My Best of 2000.
Image by [AJ]
In 1983 I started collecting music, and I’m currently working on a series of mixed CDs, one for each of the 25 years I’ve been a music fan. The latest year to be covered? 2000. And for persons wondering? Each has been made to fit on an 80 small CD. These mixes are what will be taken with me on my iPhone…
2000 is an odd year. My second full year in Digby aka hell. The year I finally saw the Pumpkins live. I was getting heavily involved in the U2 stuff online. Things seemed pretty bleak to be honest, and the online U2 stuff kept me sane and slowly built up the friendships that would take me around the world in years to come…
The music? Fascinatingly enough one album gets represented here 3 times. PJ Harvey’s album in 2000 is one of my all time favorites. Seeing her the theater songs from it live on 12 different occasions sure helped. I can’t start to express what a fan of this woman I am. And I’ll happily take the nickname "Fish Boy" her and her band came up with for me lol.
If you told me I’d be walking around with all these in my pocket in only 8 years time I’d be telling you you were nuts, but there they are shoved onto the iPhone…
1. Music – Madonna
This song leaked out early and landed in my hands right around the start. I played it over and over again. I loved it. To me the album was fantastic, but this song that kicked it off for me will always stand a bit above the others for the memory…
2. Idioteque – Radiohead
One of my favorite Radiohead tracks period. I like Thom Yorke’s voice on this. The instrumentation gets me hyper. And the CD itself was a gift from a very special friend so how may maybe i not fall in like with something on it.
3. Rock DJ – Robbie Williams
Hehe. I must have watched this record a thousand times. I was fascinated by the special effects of the dancing musculator. Yeah that’s it. It had nothing to do with Robbie taking all his clothes off…
4. Satellite of Like (Danny Saber Remix) – Milla Jovovich
Yes. That Milla. The actress. This is a song she did on the Million Dollar Hotel Soundtrack, and I really fell in like with her in the small span of five minutes. A cover of a gorgeous Lou Reed song…in a really unexpected manner.
5. Daddy I’m Fine – Sinead O’Connor
I miss mad Sinead. Some of her best numbers were the ones where she went off. You didn’t see much of it by 2000. But this song had a touch of that insanity – the voice – the passion – the attitude.
6. Kamikaze – PJ Harvey
Hmmm. Maybe I just like crazy rock chicks who do eerie noises with their voices based on my last three songs…this song was on a compilation, reminding me of my like for PJ Harvey, which lead me to buying the album. It’s still a fave. A wild small song that sent me running for more PJ.
7. Boom Boom Ba – Metisse
Yes, from the Next Best Business soundtrack. No I didn’t find it because I went to see Madonna’s movie. It was really used in the TV series "Dead Like Me" reasonably extensively in the first season and I fell in like with it there, and finally traced down the source, life suprised at the Madonna connection…
8. Falling at Your Feet – Bono and Daniel Lanois
Second track from the Million Dollar Hotel Soundtrack. I like that soundtrack, and had a couple of additional songs sitting just outside my cutoff for this list. This song by Bono and Lanois is incredibly pretty, and leaves me with goosebumps each time I hear it.
9. Yellow – Coldplay
I liked the song. I thought the band had some promise. Too terrible they didn’t go anywhere near where I wanted them to. But Yellow will always be a fave.
10. One – Johnny Cash
Johnny was one of the coolest men to ever touch my life in some way shape or form. His is the only autograph I’ve gotten along the way through the years. And here he was singing a U2 song. Yeah it was a shoe in for the list.
11. This Mess We’re In – PJ Harvey
Thom Yorke of Radiohead guests on this track, and it makes me want to hear an entire album by these two voices. Another song that leaves me with goosebumps from the first words.
12. The Everlasting Stare – Smashing Pumpkins
By the time 2000 rolled around I was pretty much bored with the Pumpkins. I hadn’t bought an album for a while. I wasn’t listening all that much. I’d missed the boat…and then I heard they were coming to town – and that ancient spark was rekindled for one sundown – and I even walked away loving a few of the new tracks…this one permanent out above the rest…
13. Fuck the Pain Away – Peaches
High school english teacher from Canada cuts an album. This isn’t what I expected lol. A party song that followed me around in later years. Reminder of some very fun nights out drinking with the boys…
14. Kids – Robbie WIlliams and Kylie Minogue
A small slice of poppy goodness. The number 2 song the week Gorgeous Day was unrestricted. Heh.
15. Catch the Sun – The Doves
Adam Clayton went on and on and on about this band. I checked out a few songs but additional than this one none really caught me, and years later, a friend sent me a bunch of tracks, and I fell in like with them…scary what a few years can do…
16. Breathless – The Corrs
Trapped in rural small town redneck landscape there wasn’t much on the radio that kept me amused. This song was one of them. Always a nice exchange from everything else that was showing up on the radio…broke up the day at work reasonably often…
17. We Float – PJ Harvey
"But one day, we’ll float – Take life as it comes"
Damn this song crawled into my skin. Got right in under, and made itself a home. I don’t know how many nights I lay awake drifting away to this song. It would lift me up and take me elsewhere at a time I needed to getting away from. There are a few songs from this project that would make an ‘all time favorites’ mix. This is one of them. It’s right up there with U2′s "Running to Stand Still" near the top of the list too…this album and the Million Dollar soundtrack were beyond doubt the two that got the most airplay around my home in 2000.
18. Walk On – U2
Like. All that you can’t place behind.
Even if this album didn’t work for me, there were songs which became favorites. This song shines above all the others for me. The joy of hearing the notes of this song closing U2 concert after U2 concert placed this song in my heart. Dancing up a storm with Karen as the show was about to end. Fond memories, excellent friends, and a complete exchange to my life. This song signaled the concert was over, but reasonably often, that the fun was only about to start. It had to close the disc. Stay safe tonight.
Answer by Garbear has a bunch of music
Answer by rocky
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