Tuesday, 31 May 2011

What will i have to download/install for the myspace music player to show up on profiles?

What will i have to download/install for the myspace music player to show up on profiles?

I just got a new computer (Windows Vista) and when I go on my myspace profile to listen to my playlist, its a blank white space. I figured its because I dont have something installed yet, the Adobe Flash Player or something like that, I dont know. Does anyone know what exactly I need to install to listen to my music?

Answer by Mikey S
Go here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ and install the latest flash player.

Answer by Betwixt & Between
You will need Javascript turned on, and Adobe flash player installed to have the music player show up and play.

Google search flash player and you will instantly get connected to a legit site to download it.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (303)
myspace music player download

Image by Ron Sombilon Gallery
The BEAT CARES holiday toy & food drive @ Brentwood Town Centre

With your generous help and donations we were able to raise over 0,000 in cash, over 5,000 toys and over 8,000 pounds of food!

Proudly supportng the Greater Vancouver Foodbank, Salvation Army and the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau.

Photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery & PacBluePrinting.com

DOWNLOAD the Beat Cares Photos


or is there another way?

Answer by ♥Tasha♥
The directions are on here:


Answer by agmsolutions8
use http://www.jagmp3.com for downloading music. it’s way better.

Answer by Marcus
This is surely the simplest way to download music/movies that I’ve ever seen .
Honest to the point, no annoying ads or popup…I like it! Check it out yourself http://www.flickrmusic.com . YOU CAN ALSO GET IT FREE..! VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS.

Answer by Erik360
to download music from MySpace


Enter the MySpace band profile URL,
check ‘I have read and agree to the Terms of Service’
For Filter select Audio, then click ‘Get Files’
On the next page you can right click and save them.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

You can download Myspace Musicwithin three simple steps: 1.Download orbit downloader and install 2.open and visit Myspace Music 3.Grab and download www.obbitdownloader.com (more)
Record Rating: 3 / 5

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