Helps me please??????????!!!!!?????!!?
i was thinking of making a science experiment tale (like maximum ride-but not XP) anywhooo….
i needs some help! plz answer these questions!
1. what kind of wings should they have?
2. how should i start it? (in you opinion)
3. do you have any characters to add to mine?
these are the characters;
Charlotte ( goes by charlie and will kick your *** if you call her anything but Charlie), mean, sweet, pretty, nice, rude, sarcastic, terrible ***, tough loving leader of the flight.
picture of charlie:,r:9,s:88&tx=138&ty=73
Axel-the blind kid that is a pyro and plays with fire daily (gets yelled at for it by Charlie daily), speaks with a british accent-even tho he was raised in the lab he was born normally in china town new york.
Picture of axel-,r:12,s:0&biw=1003&bih=595.yes
Max-the silent one. He’s really the one in the flight that’s the beta to Charlie, the emmotion less expressively impassive kid who thinks everything instead of saying it, he writes poetry, sings Charlie to sleep sometimes and plays the piano, he’s emo and has attempted to kill him self multiple times. (always stopped by Charlie.)
Picture of Max:
Answer by †† KassKass ††
Would you like me to write the tale too?
Answer by Libby Lou
Answer by Jo Spumoni
1) They should not have wings. That’s a trait you directly stole from Maximum Ride. Considering the giant array of possible genetic experiments, why would you not choose something more fascinating and relevant to today?
2) How can I know how to start it if I don’t know the plot? What you’ve agreed me doesn’t even start to tell me how this is organized. In any case, you should “start at the beginning. And when you come to the end, stop”, as Lewis Carrol wisely suggests. The special frame tales and flashbacks can wait. Start at the beginning and write to the end for the first draft.
3) Yeah, you need a “excellent” scientist and a “terrible” scientist to make it work. One who wants to use the research for excellent and one who only wants to use it to gain money or wants to use it for war. The excellent scientist cares about the children’s well-life. The terrible scientist does not. Extra points if you can make the terrible scientist terrible for a “excellent” reason–e.g. his mother was killed by terrorists so now he wants to fight against them using this new technology…OK, that example sucked, but you catch my drift. You need some conflict.
Answer by EnslavedAngel
Its way too much like maximum ride, additional then the silent guy life suicidal (his name is even Max) the blind one is a pyro (just like how iggy is), and the main character is sarcastic, rude, nice and sweet ( just like max)
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