Sunday, 29 May 2011

How do you sell items/college books on

How do you sell items/college books on

I already have an account on ebay. I buy items but I don’t know how to sell items/college books. I would like to know what I have to do and how to start. I really want to sell my college books (extra cash for fall classes) but also selling just about anything would also work! Thanks!

Answer by Matt
Its very easy just log into your account and select sell, then follow the steps from there!

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Rolemaster Books Set
ebay books

Image by Alexandre Lemieux

I’ve tried to sell a couple books on eBay – but I haven’t sold anything so far. Anyone out there who is familiar with selling on eBay? Are there any tricks that give my books a better chance of being sold? I’m located in Canada – is there anything I can do to make my books more attractive to U.S. buyers? What kind of books sell the best? Thanks.

Answer by hirebookkeeper
Depends on the type of books. In this instant world, I dont think people read as many books as they used to. Research what is selling in the category you want to sell. Sales are down everywhere.

Answer by Tink P
hi hi hello!

Im excited to share my blog to you since it has all the ebay 101 you need!

love yah! you can do it too!

Answer by doggy1s1
You can advertise your auctions free here:
There are tips here:

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EBay Trauma Centre

Price: $ 0.89

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