Sunday, 29 May 2011

How would you promote a country like Romania? Online-Internet vs. offline promotion.?

How would you promote a country like Romania? Online-Internet vs. offline promotion.?

I am especially interested to find out what media environment do you reckon would influence travelers and business public decisions in the most effective way! Internet-online, TV, radio, print etc.

I would be grateful for if you may maybe also include a small personal point of view on Romania image abroad, because I want to have an thought how public from additional countries perceive this country, and why they would visit or do business in this country? Because they read about Romania on the Internet, read about in the Financial Times or see a TV show?

keywords: travel destinations, doing businesses, Romania, country brand, Danube Delta, gorgeous landscapes, sea side, real estate opportunities, open market, economy growth etc.

Opinions from all over the world are welcome!

Answer by alion300
I’m no expert on advertising and know nothing about Romania
but my first thought is to go on the Internet. I reckon an
on line promotion would be cheaper than the traditional
methods of newspaper and television ads. As well,a growing
number of public of all ages use the Net these days,you
would have access to a large network of the makings customers.

Answer by Adela
Tru the internet is the answer … o yahoo home page … it will be … really excellent … they will open the link and i this summer will sure have tourist.

By the way :) Sunt din Romania mai exact Constanta !

Answer by orlandomarketingpro
I AM an advertising and marketing professional, and I reckon I have a few thoughts to pass on.

First of all, I’d look into advertising on Cable Television. Depending upon your budget, which I assume is pretty extensive if you’re looking to market tourism to Romania, I’d go honest to the networks themselves. You can find “The Travel Direct” or “The Discovery Direct” or similar channels that cater to public interested in additional cultures and travelling. You can find them, most likely, in New York City. You can buy nationally from them, or you can contact community cable operators in specific cities (New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, etc) and inquire about buying persons markets individually.

The goal is to target your advertising to persons public most likely to spend the money to visit your country. That would include public affluent enough to afford the trip, and curious enough to want to make the journey. I don’t judge radio works for you. Newspaper is dead, and hardly anyone reads enough to make advertising in newspapers worth anything.

I would spend at least half of the money you have making incredible direct mail with the most gorgeous pictures of Romania you can find. Mail these direct mail to every Travel Agency you can find. These folks STILL make a huge difference in helping public choose where to spend their vacation dollars.

Next I’d target online travel sites. You can probably find some excellent deals with smaller sites to place banner ads and so forth. Stay away from pop-up’s. Most public already block them electronically, and EVERYONE despises them. Spend the money to advertise on the largest travel sites you can afford. It will be worth the money, and much more effective than using tons of smaller sites.

Beyond that, I would have to know more about your goals and budgets, as well as some more information on Romania and the tourism aspects of your country to be able to guide you any further.

I’m pleased to help if you need more help. I can be reached at if you need further help.

Excellent luck!

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I’m currently a dutch student and want to improve my English and learn more about the english culture. So I’m wondering if you guys know a well loved online radio station which is for higher educated public (academics or professionals) where I can listen to news, music and radiotalks.

Since I live in The Netherlands, the online radiostation has to be available in my country aswell.

Answer by OldSpiceGuy – national public radio…its like the bbc of internet radio

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Baseball books that are perfect for a summer road trip
Baseball literature travels well. I've wandered around the country to college football games and minor league basketball games, but only with baseball do you find the lone fan — usually a guy — carting a book into the stadium for a quick read before the first pitch. The snail-on-a-country road pace of baseball combined with its deep history lends itself to this behavior.As I pack for my first …
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More info here: This is a small record showing some screen shots of an iPhone application that I built recently. This is currently in the app store and available to download word wide. This is dedicated to CB users and SWL’s. This app lists the FREE BANDING frequencies and a host of direct frequencies by country. I have also added the Q-Codes and the Country Prefix listing. PLEASE NOTE: You CAN NOT talk on this app, this is calculated to take the hassle out of carrying around endless amounts of paper/laminated card that has the band plot printed on. This APP is intended to be used by radio users that do NOT have a channelled show. IE the show only shows the frequency. This app allows the user to quickly find out what direct their radio is set to.

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