Saturday, 28 May 2011

How do you put imeem playlist on shuffle ?

How do you put imeem playlist on shuffle ?

Does anyone know how to put an imeem playlist on shuffle ?
Like , not for posting it onto another site , but for just listening on your account . Thanks :D

Answer by SuNNy
at the top to the right of the song’s name,
there are 2 arrows poitin to the right
click them to put it on shuffle

Add your own answer in the comments!


Image by kpishdadi

I had an imeem playlist, but I can no longer access it. First, I had to open a myspace account, then I found out that I do not have an imeem playlist. Are you familiar with imeem? Is there anyone else with this problem? My wonder playlist with about 100 songs has been lost! Who told myspace to buy imeem?

Answer by Siopao I
just leave it man. leave myspace and imeem to rot. the only reason myspace bought imeem is to get you to use their website. with that being said, imeem took the money and said screw everyone. I say they can keep my imeem playlist.

Answer by Ricky Baffa
I noticed that with another site called Jump The Shark. I read some really interesting and funny reviews on TV shows, until it was bought by I hate when these websites do that. All people’s work are being lost! Without explanation! They just do what they want and don’t care!

I guess you have to start all over. It’s hard, I know, and you must be pissed. I would be too, but that’s just the way it is.

Starting all over again, it’s gonna be rough, so rough, but you’re gonna make it.

Answer by Annonymous J
If you had songs on your playlist that were not ‘industry standards’ with digital contracts and such, then you lost them. I had tons of bollywood and awesome anime songs THAT I COULD NOT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE and they are ALL gone. No Warning. Just GONE!!

I HATE the new MySpace-Imeem acquisition. I LOST ALL OF MY UNIQUE PLAYLISTS. And there was no warning, so I didn’t even get a chance to write them all down. HALF OF MY PLAYLISTS DID NOT MAKE IT OVER IN THE MYSPACE TRANSFER! I am peeved!!!

They should have let us know!! I was in the middle of a great playlist, when all of the sudden it stopped…

So MAD!!!

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Was Napster or iTunes more influential?
The top few may be easy to name, but how would you round out the field? Read our picks and then decide for yourself.
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Video hosting: Crackle, Flickr,, Comparison of video services, Imeem, FORscene, Google Videos, Internet television, Hulu

Chapters: Crackle, Flickr,, Comparison of video services, Imeem, FORscene, Google Videos, Internet television, Hulu, Content delivery network, Tudou, YouPorn, Wikimedia Commons, Stage6, Veoh, Howcast, Clesh, Bolt, VReel, Comparison of streaming media systems, Nico Nico Douga, Porn 2.0, Revver, Metacafe, Kaltura, Sevenload, Dailymotion,, EXPO Communications, Inc., Brightcove, Truveo, MyToons, Vzaar, ShareNow, The NewsMarket, Total Recut, Vimeo, P2PTV,, Ipernity,

List Price: $ 49.00

Price: $ 49.00

Myspace has just finished importing our songs from imeem.So I typed my e-mail address and need to sign in or sign up on myspace so that you could import your songs. Except there were very bad news when I checked my playlists: Only five songs showed up!!!! I have over 52 or more songs than 5. Also, My best friends and friends from imeem weren’t added!!! *crying* Pls. add me on myspace if you have imeem: Username: [Sakura C.] Hitsugaya

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