Sunday, 29 May 2011

Q&A: i need some contact information of companies or labs that test if products meet the EU Standard en 166 or not?

Q&A: i need some contact information of companies or labs that test if products meet the EU Standard en 166 or not?
yes, i wanna know some labs or companies that can test our product,ski goggles meet theEU norm(EN 166) or not?

Answer by 9Suns

Not sure what country you are in, but if you email them, question them to give you a list of labs of whatever country you are in. GOOD LUCK

Give your answer to this question below!

gmail labs

Image by denharsh
Useful Gmail labs features to increase productivity. Feel free to use it but give credit to

i’m trying to set up my text messaging ability on gmail…and everywhere i look it says go to labs and find the text messaging (SMS) in chat and press enable then save. i do not have that lab! why dont i have it?!!? how do i get it?!!?!

Answer by User
Google disabled the ‘SMS in Chat’ lab “… because of some issues with
this lab that would exchange normal Gmail use…”

Please remember, Labs may break or disappear at any time or they may
work so well that they graduate from Labs and become fixed features.

Give your answer to this question below!

Laboratory Management: Principles and Processes

Redefining the standard for laboratory management, Denise Harmening, along with 25 contributors, provides insight and guidance into the principles of laboratory operations. Key features include chapter outlines, learning objectives, opening case studies, study guide questions, key terms and conundrum-based learning activities. Eighteen chapters are divided into five major areas: Principles of Laboratory Management, Creature Resource Management, Financial Management, Operations, and Strategie

List Price: $ 59.95

Price: $ 46.73

My favorite 6 GMail Labs Options

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