Sunday, 29 May 2011

What is the typical markup on an item sold at stores like Barnes and Noble?

What is the typical markup on an item sold at stores like Barnes and Noble?

Say you have a product you want to get into Barnes and Noble. You’ve contacted them and they agreed to carry the product. Assuming the MSRP you give them for this product is $ 23.99, what would be a excellent price to offer for dealer cost?

Answer by lordreith
bookshops pay 60% of list price. B&N and additional giants pay less because it’s a sliding schedule depending on # of books bought. They also restore a hell of a lot of books. They also demand and sometimes get 180 days credit. The smaller the vendor, the more likely it will be the last one paid.

Answer by dirtyguy69:)
This i would depend entirely on the product in question. is it likely to be a quick mover? and of course its size etc. a store like nobles relies on its selling price life much lower than additional supplies but still has overheads that need covering. the real question should be what are you prepared and able to sell it to them for, and are you prepared to offer an over-rider or equivalent. can they stack it high and sell it cheap (and quick). store space and stock sitting on shelves is expensive, so the nearer the restore the lower the margin needs to be.

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Barnes and Noble
barnes & noble books

Image by Jordan Perr
I suppose some employee at the Barnes and Noble in my area chose to play a small prank!

I got a nook book for Christmas. I place all my barnes and noble gift cards on my account, so I threw them out. Is there any way to find out how much money I have on the cards?

Answer by Nerd
Go to Barnes and Noble
Call Barnes and Noble
Check online

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Barnes & Noble Announces New Nook: Simple Touch Reader
Barnes & Noble's new Nook, the Simple Touch Reader, aims to compete with the paperback. Later a couple of weeks of rumors (and an internet leak last night) Barnes & Noble ( NYSE: BKS ) CEO William Lynch appeared at the company's flagship New York City store today to announce the new Nook, meant at "persons turned off by buttons, keyboards and complexity": the Simple Touch Reader.
Read more on Forbes

This is retake one (1) of the Schindler hydraulic elevator at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Salem NH. All right YouTube, this is the record to top off 2008 with!!!!!

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