How do you find out about all the different types of fairies?
I’m looking for a good reference on types of fairies, elves,etc. I need pics and discriptions.
Answer by Moe A
try this link:
Answer by Erin at this site you will find different fairies, pegasus and unicorns.
femael and male elves, blood elves, night elves, dark elves, evil elves- as for these google them individually and u will find more information and pictures
Answer by siobhan
This site has some good info on the Fairy Kingdom:
Answer by Sarah S
A good fairytale book with great images would be
“Lady Cottington’s Smushed Fairies Book”
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Image by Darwin Bell
Fairies, the enchanted forrest type, not the castro type
I need some kind of unknown creature “community or world” for my book but I can’t find anything besides the traditional mythical creatures (vampires, fairies, mermaids, greek mythology etc.), any ideas?
well I don’t mean NEVER heard of but something unique that not a lot of people have heard of.
Answer by Fallen Angel
Edward Cullen. He’s a combination of a fairy, AND vegan-vampire!
Answer by Chuckles the IPU
well hun if no one has heard of them how can we know about them. if you are the writer than start with either a trait or ability you want your creatures to have. just figure out one thing about them and build around it.
Tolkein made up the name hobbit. it just came to him. he had no idea what a hobbit was or anything. so from that he built an entire world. (took him decades so hope you aren’t in a hurry)
Answer by I am a theatre geek
The Chupacabra (don’t think I spelled it rite) is a Spanish legend.
Answer by im smart but im still stupid
maenaed(think i spelt that right)
it is greek but i dont think many people know of them or what they do(unless you watch true blood cause there was one is season 2)
Answer by jotun_hertigen
“The Ring” movies basically depicted a “rusalka”; but even the makers of those films probably did not know about the history of rusalki, or how terrifying and powerfull those drowned little girls can be.
In the Harry Potter stories Moaning Myrtle is a kids book version of a rusulka. For Christians a person can not be canonized as a saint if they died by drowning. That is why the nobles tried to kill Nicholas Rasputin by drowning him, and thus preventing the Czar or Czarina from making Rasputin a saint. I think that little girls who may still be pure and otherwise saint like, who die by drowning and are prevented from a saint status in heaven gain extra horrific power as a rusulka in this way. Even a powerful Baba Yaga (Slavic witch) would not want to take on a rusulka.
” In Slavic mythology, a rusalka (plural: rusalki or rusalky) was a female ghost, water nymph, succubus or mermaid-like demon that dwelled in a waterway. ‘
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Valencia Character Co. opens 'Midsummer Night's Dream'
For its final play of the 2010-2011 theater season, the Valencia Character Company will present William Shakespeare's classic comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. this Thursday-Saturday, June 9-11, and nest week, June 16-18. There are two Sunday matinees, at 2 p.m. June 12 and 19. Performances take place in the Black Box Theater [...]
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Flower Fairies Paper Dolls
- ISBN13: 9780723254324
- Condition: New
- Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
For the first time, paper dolls are available from the Flower Fairies(tm) Friends series. With four different fairy dolls-two boys and two girls-and eight different outfits for them to wear, young girls will love this book. The dolls and clothes are fully perforated so they’re easy to remove, and they’re printed on sturdy card stock, so the dolls and clothes will last. An envelope is conveniently attached to the inside back cover for storing the pieces.
List Price: $ 6.99
Price: $ 3.44
Produced by Hanna-Barbara, a special for the Star Fairies Toy Line from approximately 1985. Listen for a young Drew Barrymore as Hilary, and Jonathon Winters as the Wishing Well.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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