SAVE THE LESBIANS!: Will you join my noble campaign?
A prenatal pill for congenital adrenal hyperplasia to prevent ambiguous genitalia may reduce the chance that a female with the disorder will be gay. This pill is available to pregnant women as we speak. It could reduce the lesbian population to zero for the benefit of a few dozen babies a year that may be at risk for the disease.
It doesn’t change the underlying physical condition (which can lead to heart problems).
It only reduces the chance that the child will have ambiguous genitalia. (and the side effects of it can permanently alter the brain and thought patterns of the mother).
It’s time for ALL OF US to look inside ourselves and think about what lesbians have done for us.
It is our turn to give back.
From the little boy who gets a twinkle in his eye when he learns for the first time that lesbians (unlike the mythical unicorn) are real
to the full grown man who, weary of looking at some other dude’s nuts in his porn, discovers a beautiful sanctuary of unthreatening sexual fantasy upon hitting the “I’m feeling lucky” button on google
Do it for our nation’s fine female gym teachers and UPS drivers and stand up comedians
For the modern folk music revival (which will surely be devastated beyond repair.
I hope this medicine can be used to help mothers with daughters suffering from CAH but I certainly, kidding aside, would hate to see this become a medical trend among fundies.
The world needs diversity
Bonus Question: Would you take the pill to prevent your child from being gay?
Answer by The Brain
i dont care if anyone is gay
sometimes lesbians are a good thing
Answer by Aurora Ryynänen, Gay Axolotl
Are ye daft?
No, I wouldn’t take any fecking pill to prevent me child from being gay. I’m gay meself, for Thor’s sake!
Answer by robert43041
A baby does choose is gender or gender affiliation. Could we just let Nature do as it will rather than try to control everything and punish all that we don’t like and whatever doesn’t conform to our idea of what is “normal”?
Answer by Kevin
If you take the pill (even though it won’t work), it just goes to show that you’re an unloving, and uncaring human.
A mother is supposed to love her kids no matter what.
Answer by Cookies Nom On Me
You, my friend, sound crazy.
“It could reduce the lesbian population to zero for the benefit of a few dozen babies a year that may be at risk for the disease.” Intersex people and lesbians are a related subject….How? I don’t see how a pill to stop babies from being intersex will stop lesbians from being, well, lesbians.
“Would you take the pill to prevent your child from being gay?”
No, and I don’t think that pill will prevent that anyway.
Give your answer to this question below!
madeincanarias – Mesa Mota (15-08-2010) – 18
Image by Alejandro Amador…
So recently me and my friends (we are Korean) sucked our white friend into the Korean trend xD
She likes Kpop (Wonder Girls, SNSD, 2pm, Miss A etc..) and she really really loves Korean indie.
She wants to learn Korean as a helpful other language.
And she wants to become an English teacher in Korea.
She likes to order random Korean stationary things like pens, and school stuff and whatnot off of Ebay.
She sometimes watches Korean dramas with us, she thinks they’re cool, but her favorite show is The Office (non-Asian show.) She buys a lot of Korean brand clothes off of and
She likes Korean food, but still likes other cultures foods also (including hers.) She’s not one of those totally obsessed *Omg!~ I’m going to be Korean and type nonsense Korean from google translator!* kind of people.
She hasn’t given her self a Korean name yet, nor will she ever, because she says those kind of obsessed people piss her off xD I think she is merely interested in our culture, Music, and style. But a lot of people think she’s a Korean wannabe, what do you think?
Answer by Help meh D:
Only Korean Wannabes would order Korean stuff off the internet
Answer by Chocobo
im not korean…but i think its great that she has interest in other culture besides her own.
shows that shes open and willing to know another lifestyle…
i currently learnin korean also and not just that…also japanese taiwanese and cantonese…i too want to be an english teacher in south korea though ahaha XP
Answer by June Kawasaki
tell her true korean fashion trend is here too
well good luck!
Answer by Elizabeth
I think ordering korean stationary, clothes etc off the internet is already pretty obsessed lol
Answer by ♥♪♫♥♫♪♥
I would call her asian wannabe simply because anyone who is interested in asian culture these days gets that label. I love that she’s so open to other cultures, but doesn’t neglect her own. So many people are so focused on their own culture that it’s annoying because they naturally assume “mine is better than yours” and blah blah blah. And asian stationary, not just Korean, is in general pretty and cute compared to American ones so I can definitely understand why she’d want them. Korean brand clothes, they have some really cute items so not surprised there. Korean dramas are much more entertaining so I think they’re fun to watch. Even my mom watches them, except dubbed in Chinese. Lol. And food is always good. Music and food are international kinds of communication etc. I think it’s great that she’s interested. If people want to call her a korean wannabe, let them be. Usually, they don’t mean it in a bad way.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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