How to acces Voice chat for gtalk for iphone and ipod touch..?!?!?
I have a gtalk account and I use it on my ipod touch. I was wondering how I may maybe use my gtalk account for voice chat. There is an option for a voice plug in for the copmouter. Is there a way to voice chat with my google talk/gmail contacts on my ipod touch/iphone? thanks!
Answer by dragonkicks
Suggest you to download “skype” software to try it. Excellent luck!
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How to Use MSN, Yahoo, AIM, MySpace, Facebook, Google Talk
Image by Chris Pirillo
See the "How to Use MSN, Yahoo, AIM, MySpace, Facebook, Google Talk" record – – I’m using my iPhone to IM with a friend of mine, via MSN. I’m also chatting it up with public on AOL, Yahoo and ICQ. Heck, I can even chat using MySpace, Facebook and Google Talk! This iPhone App has over 1000 positive reviews! Distributed by Tubemogul.This record was originally shared on by l0ckergn0me with a No license (All rights reserved) license.
Ok so i have a iphone…..and i go on gtalk or google talk all the time…and my dad has a blackberry and he has his gtalk always signed in on his phone and it automatically signs in for i was wondering how do i get my iphone to automatically sign in for me on my iphone? it does it for yahoo messanger on my phone and signs in automatically and when public IM me it notifies me….but on gtalk i have to go in for myself and sign in.
Answer by ManlyChoirKid
because there is no official google talk app, you’ll have to use a third party app from the appstore. i recommend IM+ Lite. its free and has the auto login feature with push notifications. even wen ur not in the app, ur messages still get to u. i have google talk so maybe we can chat sometime lol
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Smartphone sales to rise 55% in 2011
Sales of smartphones like Apple's iPhone are expected to increase 55 per cent this year, four times as quick as the wider phone market, IT research firm IDC said.
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