where can I download the p90x nutrition plan?
I bought the dvd’s on Amazon and it didnt come with the calenders of nutrition plot ( it was alot cheaper that way) anyway some public on amazon alluded to downloading nutrition plans. I cant find it anyone know??
Answer by George F
Here is what you need to know i looked forever for this so i hope you delight in……
follow the link…
What do you reckon? Answer below!
I bought a full season of a tv show from Amazon Unbox. I was told I may maybe download to pc and place on dvd. Now they state that I can’t. I was wondering if anyone had any thought on how to do this. I was trying to get Prison Break Season 2 on DVD now that I have paid for the downloads. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you
Answer by eldomairy
yes it can.
Answer by Knowledge Seeker
Yes to a data DVD-ROM or DVD-RW but no to a record DVD.
You can burn the files to a data dvd so they don’t take up space on your PC hard drives. I’ve saved the files to data DVD and to a hard drive and restored them for before a live audience on the PC. Amazon Unbox Help recommends this under the topic of making backup copies.
No, you can’t burn them to a record DVD. This earnings you wan’t be able to make a DVD which you can stick in your home record DVD player.
Here’s the notes from the Amazon Unbox Record Help (form the Unbox “help” menu, Search “dvd”:
Please note: Amazon Unbox record files can only be viewed using the Amazon Unbox application. If you copy record files to a DVD or additional media for the purpose of backup, the record will not be viewable using a DVD player or an application additional than Amazon Unbox.
Note, I have also watched Unbox downloaded videos on the same PC that I have Unbox installed using Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Apollo 13
Price: $ 2.99
Hold at www.TheVeteransMuseum.com Available on I-TUNES ! A record tribute to the 101st Airborne in WWII. Lyrics chronical the exploits of paratroopers from D-Day to Bastogne with first music performed by Chris Winward, recorded at the Bayou Studio, Nashville TN. Record, digital graphics and control by Guy Anhorn. This song is on the soundtrack of the NEW DVD “A Paratrooper’s Tale”, now available on Amazon. DVD and Music Download are available from VeteransMuseum(at)Comcast.net
Record Rating: 4 / 5
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