moby dick question please !!!!! :)?
so my teacher decided to assign an assignment when i was absent. He told us to read the first 450 pages ( of Moby Dick and im on page 80 and i dont get it!!!
(. he said to look for symbols motifs and i found a couple but then this is our question:: please someone can you help me. im getting so scared because this is an AP class ahhh!!!! some one help: this is the question ——>
4 paintings:
Question: “Pick one painting for Ahab, Herman Mellville( author of Mob Dick) and Ishmael and say whether he would like it or not and why. You must show support( reasons, quotes..etc)”
so for the line painting (the last link) this is what i got : that Ahab would like its because hes monomaniacal and lines show preciseness.
Answer by Satan
Moby Dick also sounds like a name for impedance
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Image by nafmo
This is one of the two major ferry lines going to and from the Elba. We were just outside the busy season, so they only had one ferry leaving every hour…
In this video, we immediately learn of an obsessed captain who wants revenge. Why does he want revenge and against whom or what?
Who is the narrator of Moby Dick and what is the first line of the novel?
There are two significant Biblical allusions mentioned in the film. To whom do these allusions reference? How are the names significant?
The narrator states that Moby Dick symbolizes three different meanings for three different characters. List the characters and the meaning which Moby Dick symbolizes for each of them.
Why did Melville choose to write about whaling? Why was the industry significant?
What did Melville do when he was 21?
What established writer did Melville befriend while he was writing Moby Dick?
Comment on the four harpooners of the Pequod; politically, why were they significant?
What happens to the Pequod towards the end of the book? Ahab? Ishmael?
What were the final years of Melville like?
Answer by Jeff H
Okay, let me get this straight… you watched a video about Moby Dick, and now you want us to do your homework/book report based on that video…
When I was in school we had to read the books, they didn’t show us the movie version and quiz us on it.
This one takes the cake – do your own homework.
1) He wants revenge on the white whale – moby dick
2) Call me Ishmael
You figure the rest out…
Answer by godessboodee
Watching a video leaves out soo much in the book. Besides I guarantee that the teacher has seen the same video and will make sure that the questions she/he asks will not be found on the video but only by reading the book. I know I would definitely put a question or two that only could be found by reading the book.
Answer by tom
I think you were supposed to read the novel but you watched the movie instead. You certainly won’t get anything about Melville’s life from either source. The purpose of reading 19th century novels is to improve your English vocabulary.
Answer by cowboydoc
In the first place, you watched the video. Why not read the book, you’d get much more out of it. You missed the entire point of the book and, what Melville was trying to get across.
I’ll help you this one time, but, not again, I’m against people that won’t read. I majored in American literature and love it.
Melville wrote about a sea Captain that hunted whales in the 18th Century out of New England. He lost a leg to a huge White whale and swore out revenge against this whale.
Ahab, the Captain lost interest in everything that mattered and his ship and crew suffered for it. He couldn’t get a crew that cared, they were the worst of the worst.
Melville was the young cabin boy in the book. Befriended by Pequot and the rest of the crew. They all Had their own private reasons for being part of the crew. You have to read the book to understand the reasons for their being. I can’t put in respective the reason for you. Your asking to much.
In the end the Captain has his chance to kill the white whale and takes it, whether his life matters or not, he forfeits his life for that of the white whale in the end.
You’ve asked for a total thesis of this book by Melville, I can’t do that. You have to read the book as I have, more then several times. It’s one of the great American novels. You’ll then understand what I am speaking about.
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Moby Dick: Webster’s Timeline History, 1819 – 2007
Webster’s bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on “Moby Dick,” including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have Moby Dick in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with Moby Dick when it is used in proper noun form. Webster’s timelines cover
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