What do you think about the upcoming movies?
I just went to watch G.I. Joe (which sucked) and I saw the advertisements for the movies coming out later on in the future. What do you think about them?
1. Avatar the Last Airbender (live action film)
2. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
3. 2012
If there are any others, talk about them as well.
Answer by Ifraaz350zGTR
there is District 9 (Peter Jacksons movie)
And The Final Destination 3D i heard that will be pretty scary lols
Answer by Jim Halpert
Hollywood is terrible, but I would love to see Ang Lee’s film Taking Woodstock.
Answer by HiroD
i’ll def catch District 9 as it comes out in weeks time.
2012 seems interesting,any destruction movie always A-ok for me
and of course,James Cameroon’s Avatar..i really cant wait for tat
Answer by Krypton
I’m excited for “The Lightning Thief” as I loved the book series. Given that M. Night Shyamalan will direct “Avatar”, I’m not sure if I wanna see it. 2012 seems so typical to me. Some upcoming films that I’m excited for were “Alice in Wonderland”, “District 9″, “Inglourious Basterds”, “Iron Man 2″, etc.
Answer by I’d prefer the other
I watched transformers 2 and i kinda thought that it was alright….very long though.
I REALLY want to see the sherlock holmes; i’m dying to see if robert downey jr and jude law pull it off…hope so eh?
What do you think? Answer below!
upcoming movie promotion
Image by Kalun L
Directors or anyone that could hook up for an audition of upcoming movie?
Answer by Abs
What do you look like?
Answer by ♥Rachel♥
i dont think any Directors or producers are on YA!
Answer by preetstah
I know you can go on craiglist.com to find opportunities like that. Also, a lot of my friends use this site to do extras and stuff, that could give you a little jumpstart:
Answer by j.heart
You are not going to find anyone on here randomly looking for actors. The acting business is not a game. If you want to look into oportunities, go look through some websites like backstage.com for auditions. You have to go out and find them, they aren’t going to find you.
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Hobbit adventures are back again with An Unexpected Journey
The titles of the two long-delayed upcoming The Hobbit movies have finally been revealed.
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Tyler Perry sky is the limit for ‘Madea’ creator with new movie, upcoming book and TV show.(Cover Story)(Biography): An article from: Jet
This digital document is an article from Jet, published by Thomson Gale on February 27, 2006. The length of the article is 1314 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Tyler Perry sky is the limit for ‘Madea’ creator with new movie, upcoming book and TV show.(Cover Story)(Biog
List Price: $ 5.95
Price: $ 5.95
Oct. 23, 2009: Cirque du Freak Hoodwinked 2: Hood vs. Evil Mar. 5: Alice in Wonderland Mar. 26: How to Train Your Dragon May 7: Iron Man 2 May 21: Shrek Forever After June 18: Toy Story 3 June 30: Eclipse July 2: The Last Airbender July 30: Beastly Sept. 24: Guardians of GaHoole Nov. 19: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 2011 May 6: Spider-Man 4 June 3: Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom June 24: Cars 2 July 15: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2 Nov. 18: Happy Feet 2 Unknown: Get Smart 2 2012 Unknown: Ghostbusters 3 May: Pirates of the Caribbean 4 My apoligies, Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant has moved it’s release date. Instead of January 15, 2010; it will now be released on October 23, 2009. Here is a link to a better movie poster for Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant: upload.wikimedia.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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