Where on Earth can I get/buy/download R.E.M. live shows and or bootlegs?
Please help! They have been my favorite band for the last 21 years but I can’t find anywhere to get some of their live shows.
Anyone know where I can get them?
Thank You!!!
Answer by F.Taylor.
Yoy got to question this Question at Ancient Peoples homes, they are ancient and public who use this Service are teens and young ppl, sorry dude, ur out of luck , lol, geek.
Answer by callaway126
JT, if you dont mind Copyright infringment then you can always use limewire. Its up to you, im sure you can find some in LimeWire, but I like REM they are the best band alive. Excellent luck JT, hope this helped..
Answer by file_under_water
ebay have lots on there.i agree they rule
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
ysinembargomagazine17_Página_56 (ron-herrema)
Image by fernandoprats [yse #28 deadline...]
"mess-up mess-age issue"
sep.oct.nov.2008 | primaverasurotoñonorte
PDF (log: build 1001)
Hi-Res PDF (log: build 1001)
Un número dedicado a la indagación y puesta a prueba de las posibilidades de codificación, alcance y resistencia de los medios de comunicación gráficos.
Múltiples mensajes.
¿ Cuánto ‘texto’ entra en un texto ?
¿ Cuánto en una foto, cuánto en un collage ?
¿ Hasta dónde el medio soporta la carga ? ¿ Cuánta información puede encriptarse ?
¿ Cuánto mensaje soporta un mensaje ? ¿ Cuánta lectura ? ¿ Hasta dónde se puede forzar/exigir/multiplicar la densidad de significantes ? ¿ Cuánto suman las capas de contenidos, los subniveles escalonados (jerárquicos, o NO-jerárquicos) ? ¿ Hasta dónde puede extenderse (qué tan hondo, qué tan lejos) la arquitectura invisible ?
Presentado desde trabajos que exploren/exploten estas posibilidades. Que expliquen y le den la vuelta.
Que se arriesguen. El juego, la burla, el humor. La crítica, la puesta en evidencia de los mecanismos de los mass-media. Narraciones con tantas lecturas como sea posible. Mixed-media con tanto mensaje como pueda contener.
¿ Cuánto mensaje puede entrar en una lata ?
# # #
An issue devoted to the inquiry and test of the coding, reach and endurance possibilities of graphic earnings of communication.
Multiple messages.
How much texts fit in a text ?
How much in a picture, how much in a collage ?
How far does the standard bears the load ?
How much information can be encrypted ?
How much message stands a message ?
How many readings ?
How far the significant density can be forced / demanded / multiplied ?
How much the content layers add ?
Staggered sublevels (hierarchic or NOT-hierarchic) ?
How far the invisible architecture can be extended (how deep) ?
Launched from works exploring / exploiting this possibilities.
Works which clarify and give the topic a turnover.
Which risk.
Game, mockery and humor.
Critics, the mass-media mechanisms place into evidence.
Narrations with as many readings as possible.
Mixed-media with as much message it can contain.
How much message can be stored in a can ?
# # #
Messages multiples.
Combien de textes inscrits dans un texte ?
Combien dans une image, combien dans un collage ?
Jusqu’où le médium supporte-t-il la charge ?
Jusqu’où l’information peut-elle être cryptée ?
Combien de messages dans un message ?
Combien de lectures ?
Dans quelle mesure la consistance peut-elle être forcée / contrainte / multipliée ?
Combien de couches peut-on ajouter ?
Combien de degrés, de sous-niveaux (hiérarchisés ou non) ?
Jusqu’où l’architecture invisible peut-elle être étendue (quelle profondeur) ?
Lancement de travaux qui explorent/exploitent ces possibilités.
Travaux qui expliquent et donnent au sujet de nouveaux angles.
Quels risques.
Jeux, humour et dérision.
Critiques, les mécaniques mass-médiatiques mises en évidence.
Narrations à multiple lectures possibles.
Compositions avec autant de messages qu’il est posssible d’y inclure.
Combien de messages peuvent-ils être stockés dans une boîte ?
(download it. it’s free.)
# # #
edit(ing), direct(ing) + complements
art direct(ing) + design(ing)
insistAnçao, assess(ing) + additional stuff
first music {free cd in-out-side}:
nevus-project / albert-jordà
refill(ing) image:
open(ing) messimages:
frontcover(ing) im(a)g:
bird/girl morphing by olivier-gilet
backc(o)ver(ing) i(mg):
frank mess(ages) by bill-horne trio
phantasmagoric text(ing) & latas:
ysinembargo#17… cuál es la frontera… si no se sale ni se llega.
a b r e l a m u r a l l a
amsterdam antwerp
barcelona berlin brno bruxelles buenos aires
iowa city
lawrenceville leicester lisbon loch gorman london
madrid mendoza
san rafael
# # #
YSE #17′s First Music | YSElected videos
# # #
Official WEBsite | MySpace | Flickr Group | Also @ Facebook, YouTube, Hi5, Tumblr
I just had a dance show case and my dad record taped it on our camera. The camera takes a small DVD-R record recordable c.d. from Maxell, but how do I download that record of me dancing onto my mainframe????
Please help, Thanks!!!
Answer by snowwillow20
If you have a mini dvd camcorder….
You will have to finalize your dvd in the camera and then place the dvd in your computer’s DVD burner (top loading only) and then you will have to convert the files (I downloaded http://www.handbrake.fr/ or http://www.any-record-converter.com/download-avc-free.php file converter free) and import them into your control program. Use the HELP feature in your control program to learn about control. Usually you would import your videos and drop them in to the timeline, add transitions, menus, music, etc. Once you are ready to burn, your project will be burned to a different DVD and you can file the first away.
Add your own answer in the comments!
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LONDON, June 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ IT Administrator and MCP Brian Le Flem recently gave an account of his personal experiences using Diskeeper(R) data performance software, and why he took it from a home user application to implementing it in his IT …
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