Will a download from amazon.com play on itunes?
i want to download a movie from amazon.com and play it with itunes to be able to sync it to my ipod but I don’t know if they are compatible…does any person know before i spend the money to do it. the movie isn’t on itunes… so i can’t download it directly from them.
Answer by Mike T
it depends what format it is. if it is a more “windows-compatible” format like .wmv or .avi, then it might not play. but, you can download software like PSP Record 9 for free and it will convert ANY format to .mp4 which is the format for iPods and PSPs.
it is free software and converts videos into better quality then the $ 25 PSP program i bought from Sony. that is sad.
Give your answer to this question below!
When you download a movie to rent on Amazon Unbox, can you only watch it once?
Answer by EricO
It appears as though you get 24 hours from the moment you started watching the record. So, you can watch it as many times as you want within that 24 hour period. The terms and situation for this are below as well as the link to the information.
“a. Rental Digital Content. Upon your payment of the rental fee, Amazon grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to view, use and privately show for Non-Commercial, Private Use, the Rental Digital Content bought by you, by way of one (1) non-portable Authorized Device (e.g., a mainframe or desktop computer, TiVo® DVR) connected to the Service over the Internet as specified on the detail pages of the Rental Digital Content or additional help or informational pages of the Service at the time of your payment. Unless otherwise designated on a detail page for Rental Digital Content, the license for Rental Digital Content is limited in its term and duration to thirty (30) days from your payment of the rental fee or twenty-four (24) hours from the time you start viewing the Rental Digital Content, whichever is quicker. Amazon may automatically delete Rental Digital Content that is beyond its limited license term from your Authorized Device, and you consent to such automatic deletion. You may not copy or go Rental Digital Content from its originally stored place on your Authorized Device. There can only be 1 (one) account for the Service on an Authorized Device.”
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Ciao GIO, Its been a while. A while since i was here. a while since I last blogged. A while since I did anything. Anyway I have my reasons for doing so. Since my sister sold her mainframe, my activity just screeched to a halt. So I’ve been a ghost here lately. So heres a comeback blog.Anyway, enough small talk. A few days before my sister sold her mainframe, I was browsing Amazon.com. I wasn’t …
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